Thursday, March 25, 2010

About Restorative Living

I'm Sarah. A freelance writer, a mom and a minister's wife, among other things. I'm married to the hottest minister God ever created and we have a wonderful three year old son. I'm amazed at how each passing year demands that I become something new, or something more. This blog is the result of one of those demands.

Why Restorative Living?
I realized that as a young wife and mother I was desperately seeking to "restore" parts of me. It wasn't that I didn't like the new me, I simply wanted to regain a hold on the me that I once was. There is honor and dignity in changing unbelievably smelly diapers and cooking endless amounts of meals, but I wanted - for my sanity and as an example to my children - to breathe life into the part of me that exists outside of my mommy self. I began restoring old flea market finds, taking cake decorating classes, scheduling an extra date night with my husband here and there, and volunteering to help the homeless and youth in our town.

It's all little things - but little things matter. My precious baby boy is evidence of that. And little by little, I'm gaining a new sense of me - surprisingly, not of who I once was, but of what I can be. I'm learning new ways I can help others, cooking with ingredients I've never before dared and figuring out just how on earth I'm going to decorate that naked 12 foot wall in my living room.

Restoring furniture one day, maybe helping - through God's grace - a hurting friend restore his or her life the next. It's all a journey.

So, join me! It should prove to be an adventure.

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By providing links to other sites, Restorative Living and its author(s) does not guarantee, approve or endorse the information or products at these sites.

Photo use:
Interested in reprinting or reposting my photos? Please ask first.