Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Free Graduation Tag Download

Graduation is on our minds these days. My husband's baby brother just graduated from college, we had our final senior banquet for our teens at church, and tomorrow I'm helping host a graduation party for some inner-city students who attend a mission/tutoring program that our church helps support. I'll tell you more about it later this week. I've been making endless amounts of tissue paper pom poms as part of the centerpieces and my hands are officially blue from all of the dyed candy melts I've been using to make edible graduation caps. Watch for links to those how-to's later this week.

For now, I want to share a free (FREE!) download that I made for all of you precious readers.

You can download these designs here:

I think they would be cute on graduation gifts, or even incorporated into graduation parties.

Maybe something like this?...

Or maybe even this...

(No lie, that towel was a graduation gift that I received many moons ago when I graduated from HIGH SCHOOL. That is one high-quality linen, I tell ya.)

And if you like the designs you see in your free download, head over to If you've read my "About" page you know that For Keeps Design is one of my babies. We've got stationery, birth announcements, party invites, you name it. We offer graduation invitations that are classic and traditional, but don't be afraid to contact us through the website and ask us to modify any of the designs you see available. Birthday party invitations can easily become graduation party invitations, etc. Just ask. We love that kind of stuff.

I hope you all enjoy this free download! I'd love to see pictures or hear about how you use it. Feel free to send me an email: restorativeliving at gmail dot com.
** is undergoing some construction today so if you click over and don't see graduation invitations available, check back later**

Linking to:


  1. the personalised gift tags are a really cute idea, well done! <3

  2. Thanks so much--need them this upcoming week! Thanks for linking up to the under $100 party!


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