Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My House in Faves

It can be easy to grumble at yourself as you walk through your home. There are always to-do's, no matter how perfectly decorated or built your dwelling may be. In our house, right now, we've got moulding sitting propped up in our breakfast room that has been waiting for a spare moment to make it on to the wall, kitchen paint touch-ups that are oh-so-glaring (as you'll probably spy in pictures below), and a birthday explosion of toddler toys scattered about. But we are blessed. And content with what the Lord has so lovingly and graciously poured into our lives. We overflow.

So I encourage you today to walk through your home, as undecorated, or piled with to-do's as it may be, and find your fave spots that shine through all the things that make you grumble.

Here are a few of my favorite bright spots this morning. Thank you, Father.
Leftover flowers from a baby shower I hostessed over the weekend.

Trying to make those fresh flowers go as far as they can by separating the one bouquet into two arrangements.
A repurposed addition to my mantle. It was living in my kitchen. I like it much better here.

My favorite little corner to curl up with our baby boy and read. I almost passed by this $24 pillow at Ikea, but it has been the inspiration for this room. I love it.

And a new (old) addition to my kitchen. My hubby bought this painting for me our first Christmas together. I adore it and it has just been gathering dust in our new house out of indecision. My mom suggested I hang it over the pantry and it was the perfect spot! I love seeing it every day.

What are your faves this morning?

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  1. What a wonderful idea, maybe I should try this myself, and do it when I start to get overwhelmed with all the things I see that need fixing. Thanks for such a simple post.

  2. I have been struggling with a form of this in my heart the entire past week. Thanks for your thoughts and reminders!

  3. love love love this post - you are right, it's so easy to grumble about the to-do list and forget the blessings that surround us all. thanks for the reminder! lovely cheerful flowers, sweet reading nook for you and your baby boy!


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