Monday, September 27, 2010

Thank You & A Giveaway

When I started this blog in March, I could not have imagined what a blessing it would be in my life. It has introduced me to wonderful, talented people (you!) and spurred me on to create... Create new living room furnishings from garage sale finds, create new recipes...just create. I've learned new ways to integrate my faith into my hobbies, discovered how spray paint can cover just about anything, and dreamt about new projects (last night it was painting over tile). If you weren't here, reading this, I'm not sure I would have discovered just how much I love to sew, the powers of spray paint or the realization that I really need to have a baby girl so I can have a place to put all of those ruffles I keep making.

So to keep my promise, and to thank you wonderful "followers" for surpassing my expectations...a giveaway.
The first prize/present/lovely is a set of Thank You cards (appropriate, don't ya think?) from my shop For Keeps Design. They are beautiful by themselves, but they're extra special because they were originally paired with invites that were designed at the requests of Melissa Rycroft and Tye Strickland for their rehearsal dinner. My business partner and I about fell out of our chairs when we found out that we had the opportunity to design for a celebrity wedding. It was a fun experience.

{Our shop, For Keeps Design, has closed due to the [surprise!] arrival of twins for my business partner...but our website, our beautiful website, is for sale for a ridiculously cheap price. If you're interested in owning a customizable retail site with X-Cart back office software, send me an email: restorativeliving (at) gmail (dot) com}

The lucky follower (chosen by who will receive this lovely set of Thank You's is:

And another little lovely, just because you've all blown me away with your sweet comments.

I've promised a tutorial, and a tutorial you shall have. Watch for that this week.
The winner of the golden flower brooch is:
Christy B.

I can't thank you all enough for sticking around, encouraging me, and leaving such sweet words. What a gift each of you are!

It obviously pays to be a follower! If you haven't clicked "follow" in the left sidebar, now would be a good time to join! You never know when another giveaway might happen!

{I've sent the winners a message. If I don't hear back within 72 hours, I'll choose another precious follower}

1 comment:

  1. Ok sweet friend, I had no idea what you had started!! I can't believe it has taken me this long to get over here and check it out. I am so impressed!! This site is FABULOUS!


I love to read each and every comment! Thank you for stopping by!