Sunday, November 28, 2010

5 Reasons & a PSA

In order of their relation to why I haven't blogged in 10 stinkin' days.

1. A computer crash.
2. A computer crash that took my beloved Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator down with it.
3. A house full of family.
4. An inbox full of deadlines.
5. A list of hand-made presents to finish.

I'm still here. I've been giving my computer hard drive dirty looks every time I walk past it. It still won't work. Apparently I am no match for technology. Another hard drive ($50) is on order, but another round of Adobe ($300+) isn't. That is so painful!! I love my Photoshop and Illustrator!!! (may it rest in peace)

Until then, I'm making do with my husband's old work laptop. (Hence no pictures)

I'll be back. And soon! I can't wait to show you the tiered tote bag, rosettes, handmade warming pillow, and personalized necklaces I've made recently!! Until then, here's a public service announcement for you:


1 comment:

  1. When my hard drive died last year, I was able to download Creative Suite from the Adobe site to my new hard drive. I had the info from my original purchase, so it was one of my allotted downloads and didn't cost anything. (I think I was allowed three?) Maybe that's the case for you?

    In any case, I feel your pain! I had backed up most of our photos, but since the crash happened right after our move, there were a few images that I hadn't blogged or backed up (including some PRECIOUS pix of Tim in our new house!!!). Several attempts at data recovery failed, but I kept the dead drive—just in case.

    Hope you're up and running again soon! I love your posts!


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