Friday, January 21, 2011

My favorite meal this week

**UPDATE: I fixed the link, so hopefully you'll be directed to the FREE version of this recipe, although you'll probably have to create a free account**

Looking for dinner ideas? I stumbled upon a home run this week for the best chicken tacos ever in under 30 minutes. And there's orange juice involved! Go figure!

Find the recipe here. (You'll probably have to create an account to see their recipe but membership is free.)

You had me at cilantro.

Not my best pictures...but definitely one of my best meals.
And a double layer cake to wrap it all up. It tasted even better this time because a certain very special 2 year old helped me bake it!
Any fave recipe links you want to share this week?


  1. Ohhhh... That looks so good. I'd love the recipe but don't have a membership to that site. Darn.

  2. Looks yummy, can you share the recipe because I am not a member either?

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