Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Have you ever seen this before?

I cracked open an egg the other morning to make breakfast for my son and saw this staring back at me...Twins!


  1. That's how all our eggs are, double yoked. :) {we get them from the chicken house}

  2. I had a carton last week where 10 of the 12 were double yolked, first thing I thought was "hormones" in the chicken feed? My free run eggs are never doubles!

  3. Cost-co jumbo eggs sometimes produced two separate yolks, but never conjoined. Ever neat, never saw that before.

  4. ew that makes me want to barf! i have never seen that before!!

  5. When I was growing up, our chickens used to produce doubles all the time. And they were grass-fed, hormone free, anti-biotic free (we were too poor for unhealthy add-ins!), so not necessarily a bad thing.

  6. I think that is so sad. I know I seem like a freak, but every time I crack open an egg, I feel like I killed an animal (I'm an animal lover), and in this case, there were two. Actually, all we buy now is free run eggs. I never understood the importance of that until I started donating to WSPA (World Society for Protection of Animals)and when I realized the living conditions of other chickens, I made my husband promise that he would never bring anything other than free run into our house again(he does the groceries...luv him). Unfortunately, they are more expensive. Go figure!


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