Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring is Coming!

Can you feel it? Have you noticed?

Spring is making an entrance. I had somehow totally missed it until this week.

The beauties we planted long before the snow arrived, reminded me that the sun is on its way; winter is almost gone.

Barely two and half weeks ago my grandmother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Our own personal winter.

This morning she went home. Her spring has arrived.

If she hadn't known to expect the sun, she would have been terrified. If seeds of faith hadn't been planted in her life, and subsequently in ours, we wouldn't have been able to face this winter.

But her legacy of determined faith helped us spring forth and rejoice with her today in the midst of so much pain.

In the midst of heartache, we cling to the One who calls us by name.

We miss you, Gigi. Thank you for planting seeds of faith in our hearts.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isaiah 43:18-19


  1. I so hope you're right! I So want spring. I miss taking our daughter (now 3 1/2) for walks around the neighborhood, doing our bonding. When my husband is home, I'm yesterday's news!

  2. What a sweet post. Spring is such a beautiful time of renewal!

  3. Beautiful post, Sarah! Love you!

  4. Sarah, such an amazingly profound post! Thank God that He gives us new life including and beyond what we know here. Praying for all of you...


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