Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Fruits

My little backyard garden is starting to earn its keep. I harvested my very first crop (can you call it a crop if it barely fills one plate?) this week. Spinach and sweet basil.

The tomatoes look like they'll be next, but I'm pulling for the squash and zucchini.


  1. Hey, I will take your kind of "crop" any day of the week! We haven't had weather warm enough to think about even tilling up our garden, let alone working on a harvest! That's what happens when you live in New Brunswick, Canada, translation...snow belt capital!

  2. Mouthwatering!!! My snow peas are starting to form, I can't wait to taste them right off the vine! I just love this time of year when you start to notice the potential all around you. Little cherries, plums and almonds ... they make me smile! jules


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