Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Graduation Party, Dr Seuss Style

Working in ministry with teenagers brings both blessing and heartache. For us, one of the greatest heartaches we face each year is watching our seniors graduate and move on to the next phase of their journeys. And this year was no exception. We have been incredibly blessed by this particular group of seniors and we know we'll feel the heavy weight of their absence next year as they leave the nest.

BUT...We are thrilled knowing that we are sending out an entire class of talented, confident, God-loving world changers. It was so appropriate to celebrate their accomplishments with a banquet themed "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" recently. We have a tradition at our church that the moms of the junior class students plan and organize the annual senior banquet and every year I'm blown away with their creativity and talent.
The picture above is a {gigantic} painting. It was so incredibly well done that when I walked in I thought it was a print. The artist behind this beauty is also the same one who painted one of my favorite pieces of art in my home.

Hot air balloon centerpieces and place cards.

Can you just imagine how long it took the poor cake decorator to make that many different colors of icing?!

Need more graduation party ideas? Check out the inner-city graduation party we threw last year and all the decorations and treats involved here.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have got major talent in your church!!! I just awarded you the versatile blogger award. Come on over and visit my blog to get the details. And happy, sniff, sniff, graduation!


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