Thursday, April 1, 2010

My AHA! Moment

Don't you just love (or hate) aha! moments? I love them because they give me something new to work with, but I hate them because they make me feel like an idiot for not thinking of it years ago. I had one of those this morning as I was reading through some of my favorite blogs.

All Things Thrifty is a fairly new addition to my RSS feed and I'm so glad I started reading! It was as I was breezing through one of their tutorials on creating an upholstered headboard when I was slammed with my aha! moment of the day.

Remember when I was pretty-ing up my "Lots of Potential" chair find? Isn't she pretty?

My big dilemma was whether or not I should replace the seat foam because of the nasty, scary, unknown stains that lived on the fabric. I didn't, mostly because my mom convinced me it would be safe not to, but also because of how stinkin' expensive foam can be!

No more. No more will I be held captive by expensive foam thanks to All Things Thrifty.

Their big idea? Use foam mattress toppers. As in, cheap egg crate toppers. GENIUS! So, instead of paying between $10-12 for less than a yard of foam, you can have an entire mattress sized foam piece for roughly $7 (walmart). Why, oh WHY did I not think of this years ago?!

If you head over to the All Things Thrifty blog you'll also see other works of genius like:

Using cheap rubber welcome mats to replace the not-so-kid-friendly glass doors on her entertainment center. Don't believe me? How cute is this:

What's your most recent aha! moment?

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