My eyes, my birthstone and, as you can see above, my kitchen - all green. I can't help myself. To see a {small} sampling of the green around my house, you can read this post.
The wall art in the picture is one of my favorite pieces in my kitchen. It looks like wrought iron, but is actually a rubber doormat I found on clearance. It is the perfect shape to hang above my cabinets, and offsets the wow-that's-green paint color I chose (and still love) for the walls.
And, in case you noticed...Why, yes, that is our wireless router peeking out from above the cabinets. You can't see it when you're standing in the kitchen and for some reason that location works best for internet connection. Whatever works!
I love that green! Gorgeous bold color. Also, brilliant to use a mat on the wall...I totally thought it was iron.